Year 9 Options

In term 4 of Year 9, students choose their GCSE options for Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11). In the same way that Key Stage 3 is organised, there is a Grammar and Core Pathway in Key Stage 4

The options process begins at the start of Term 4, with assemblies and Parent Information Evenings. The Parent Information Evening for the Grammar Pathway is at 5:00pm on Tuesday 25th February. The Parent Information Evening for the Core Pathway is at 5:00pm on Thursday 27th February. These presentations will be available here following the evening.

The two curriculum pathways are illustrated below:

Graphic illustrating the subject selection options for grammar studentsStudents studying the Grammar Curriculum will study the Core subjects and then select one each from Geography or History; one each from French or Spanish; plus 2 additional optional subjectsGraphic illustrating the subject selection options for core studentsStudents studying the Core Curriculum will study the Core subjects plus their choice of 3 optional subjects

More detailed information is available in the Options Booklets for both the Grammar Pathway and the Core Pathway. These are available below

Core Pathway Options Booklet

Grammar Pathway Options Booklet

Presentation to Parents - Core Pathway

Presentation to Parents - Grammar Pathway

To find out more about the individual subjects offered, please select the appropriate subject below: 
*= Denotes a Core Curriculum subject

Art 3D Studies Art Graphics Biology* Business Chemistry*
Computer Science Dance Drama Engineering English Language & English Literature*
Fine Art French Geography Health and Social Care History
Hospitality and Catering Maths* Music Photography Physics*
Religious Studies Sociology Spanish Sports Studies

Term 4's PSHE program for Year 9 students focusses on the options process and is a great opportunity for students to discuss the different subjects with their mentors.

If you have any questions regarding the options process, please use the dedicated options email address:

We use a program called Options Online for the submission of your requests. You will receive an email with an invitation to create and account; this will not come from our school email but from, so please look out for this.

If you have a sibling in this school, or another school that uses SIMS, you may not get an email because you will have already set up an account - you can access Options Online via If you have forgotten your password it can be reset here. From here you will be able to access the Options Online portal and make your choices.