Our Governing Body

The Governing Body is committed to the success of the school and is fully involved in shaping its strategic vision and its ethos.

The Governing Body’s work

The Governing Body’s work centres on the work of three committees that meet termly. These committees cover the main aspects of the school’s work: the quality and standards of pupil achievement, community matters, as well as finance policy. These committees report to full meetings of the Governing Body that are also held termly. Underpinning these formal contacts is a wide range of other contacts including regular meetings between the Principal and the Chair of Governors, site inspections and sitting on interview panels.

The Governing Body’s statutory duties, for example regarding safeguarding and employment, are all covered by this committee approach.

The Governing Body’s relationship with the school is based on trust and openness.

This openness is evident in the sharing of detailed information as the school pursues its agreed improvement targets. In turn this has produced knowledgeable governors who fully understand what is being done and so are able to act as ‘critical friends’.

Herne Bay High School Governing Body

Governing Body January 25

If you wish to contact the Clerk to the Governing Body, please email clerktogb@hernebayhigh.org

If you wish to contact the Chair of the Governing Body, please email Mrs Alison Baker a.baker@hernebayhigh.org

For further information on members of our Governing Body including any declarations of Business & Pecuniary Interests, please open the documents below.