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Year 12 End of Year Awards

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Year 12 End of Year Awards
15 Jul

I am very proud to announce that today (Monday 15th) the Sixth Form Team were delighted to hold the End of Year 12 Subject Awards. The awards are nominated by teachers and mentors and are based upon Progress, Effort, Enthusiasm and Hard Work throughout the academic year. Each subject teacher writes about the student they have nominated and it is with immense pleasure that I am able to read their words, which recognise the students who have developed tenacity and resilience and continue to strive and develop excellent despite any challenges they may face.

The end of year awards really highlights the exceptional skill, creativity and commitment our students have. Their achievements reflect the school’s core values, of dedication, kindness and respect.

Additionally, I would like to thank all teaching staff and the wider 6th Form Team for their continued support and nurturing of our students.

Well done to all

Mrs L Wrigley
Director of Post 16