CASS Interventions

Our CASS team is dedicated to supporting your child in all aspects of school life, ensuring they feel safe, included, and engaged in their educational journey. The focus for this team is to safeguard and promote the welfare of students and to work closely alongside families. This allows us to build relationships to meet the needs of children, so that if problems emerge, we can ensure swift action is taken to allow for the best possible outcomes academically, emotionally and personally.

We offer the following interventions, in school, to support students and try to reach as many as we can. We identify and triage each request individually to decide on the best support possible. These interventions consist of (but are not exclusive to):

  • Individual Counselling – 6 week programme which can be extended if necessary
  • Nurture Groups – groups of 6-8 students who work on resilience, confidence, self esteem
  • Compass Groups - the Compass Programme is a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) approach designed to teach young people to live in the moment, develop healthy ways to cope with stress, regulate their emotions and improve their relationships with others
  • Managing Emotions – groups of 6-8 students who work on anger management and strategies to self-regulate
  • After School Youth Club – aimed at students who need support outside out school
  • EBSA Support – targeted support for students and families who are dealing with Emotion Based School Avoidance
  • NELFT Emotional Wellbeing Team – several targeted interventions to support SEMH issues, exam stress, workshops
  • Child Centred Policing Team – clinic in school to support students and families
  • Youth Engagement – KCC Youth Worker in school to support students with contextual issues
  • Targeted house assemblies on relevant and current safeguarding and wellbeing issues
  • Young Carers – working with these students and their families to offer support for our students with this important responsibility
  • Red Zebra - Social Prescribing – we refer into services that can offer things like befriending, peer support groups, carer support, counselling, housing and benefits advice.

Parents and Carers: Supporting Young People Online - Monday 28th April

Our Parents and Carers session explores four different areas of online risk, and then provides practical tips and supporting resources. The categories of risk covered are: 

  • Conduct: 
    • What children may be doing online, including sharing personal information, screen time, nude image sharing, and online reputation
  • Content: 
    • What children may be seeing online, including filtered lives/self-image, upsetting content, algorithms, online hate, adult content and generative AI
  • Contact: 
    • Who children may be speaking to online, including online bullying and group chats, grooming and online sexual harassment
  • Commerce
    • Any risk with a financial or contractual element, including influencers, scams, in-app purchases, and sextortion 
  • Advice 
    • Discussing three steps, ‘Talk, Support, Report’. Including tackling tricky conversations, how to manage privacy and parental settings, digital wellbeing, reporting, useful websites
  • Resources and Helplines

CASS Assemblies