All students receive ongoing support through their mentor, assemblies, careers advisers, weekly newsletters, PSHEE and unifrog.
Year 12, have several careers opportunities, ranging from the Life after 6th Form talk, their Post 16 Pathways conference, which covers a range of information from apprenticeships, gap years, employability skills, CV writing, HE information, including Oxbridge and Russell Group as well as having alumni, industry speakers and workshops. Later in term 5 students can choose to experience being a student for a day at a local university and could attend the UCAS Discovery tour which will provide more information about Apprenticeships and Higher Education. Additionally, Year 12 will receive in-depth information on progression to Higher Education, Apprenticeships and other onward Post 18 destinations. In term 6 year 12 undertake Work Experience in early July. Year 12 are required to find their own placements and log all information on Unifrog; however, we will have a Department of Work and Pensions Employability course running in school during the week.
Year 13 are fully supported with Higher Education Applications through PSHEE, mentor and a one-to-one meeting with the Head of 6thForm. Our non-university route students have dedicated advice and guidance through PSHEE, with industry guest speakers, CV writing, Employability skills as well as one to one mock interviews.
All our students in all year groups are entitled to and will receive:
Opportunities to learn about the world of work from employers, on workplace visits and through industry sectors.
For more information about Life after the Sixth Form, please click here